Saturday, March 10, 2012

Yes, I'm going to get political... well sort of

I generally skirt the edges of getting involved in political conversations, not because I don't have my own opinions, but mostly because people can really get crazy about it, and I have enough crazy in my life. Many may find this interesting since I majored in political science, but to me, the beauty of a liberal arts education is that is teaches you to think and view ideas from many different perspectives. I guess for me it's not a case of being pigeon-holed a Republican, Democrat or Independent, but of thinking about the issues that matter the most to me in a way that is meaningful.

Let me see if I can explain this...

So a few nights ago I received a telephone survey (automated, jeez). A female, older sounding southern voice spoke at me on the phone asking a series of questions for about seven minutes, my answers were relegated to utilizing the keypad on my phone. Out of all the questions, the one that struck me was if I considered myself a "Conservative," a "Moderate," or a "Liberal". For me it's not that simple. I mean I might dress conservatively, spend money moderately and use foul language liberally (as an example). What do those words actually mean? Sure, there's a definition in the dictionary (see the links above) for each, but they can each be used in and out of the political arena with different context and meaning. So why do political folks try and place us in these separate silos? Deep down I think even if you align yourself with conservatives, there are some areas of your life where you may exhibit moderate or (OMG), liberal behavior.  The same could be said for moderates and liberals. To put it in a political way, it really is about the issues for me. I'm liberal about same-sex marriage, conservative about immigration and moderate about healthcare and education. Unfortunately during election time that makes decision making difficult for me. There isn't a candidate for me that meets my needs and wants on every level, and I think that I'm not alone here.

There's my two cents...