Sunday, April 25, 2010

It looks so much easier on TV...

I am a constant work in progress. Mind, body and soul.

Let's focus on the body, since it's my obsession currently.  I've been participating in my YMCA's "Biggest Loser", aka "Team Challenge" which is a 6 week competition where each team works with a trainer twice a week, and then the rest is on your own. I'm keeping a food and exercise diary, and weigh ins are each Monday. The challenge runs through May 21st, which is, by no coincidence one week before I go on vacation to Aruba to celebrate my friend Wendy's 40th birthday.

I'm a goal oriented person to begin with, so I was excited to start the program. The initial meeting with everyone included individuals who had participated before, as well as newcomers of various shapes and sizes. Like the show on NBC, the team that has lost the largest percentage of body weight in the six week wins.

My team is cool, a single Mom, a married Mom, and me. Our trainer, Fred, is awesome, I knew him from when I worked there, and he is the perfect drill Sergeant, I mean trainer, a perfect blend of mad scientist, bully and athlete. Fred told us the first night, that since he only has 2 days with us, it's all about the cardio, so, taking that to heart, I've been logging hours on the treadmill, the bike, elliptical trainer, in Zumba classes, and in the pool 6 days a week. I've been posting my activities on my Facebook status, and I love the comments from my friends, so varied, from "That's awesome, you go girl." to "Just reading this makes me want to take a nap." It gets results... in the first 10 days I lost 4.2 lbs, which is amazing, but as I think back to those times I've tuned into watch "The Biggest Loser", I am blown away at the thought of posting a double-digit week loss. Then again, I don't have the freedom to work out for 6 hours a day, or have a staff of massage and physical therapists at my disposal. I have a full time job, a dog and 2 cats who need my attention as well. When I get home each night, I'm exhausted, mentally and physically and can't imagine if I had kids or a husband to deal with as well.

I have quite a few friends and family currently who are either triathletes, marathoners, or half marathoners, or crazy about fitness in general (Sarah and Mike M). Each of them inspires me in one way or another, and this week, my super athlete friend Kellie took the time out of her crazy work/life/sport balance to drop me a note about how I'm inspiring her. I was touched BEYOND belief that a tremendously fit woman, training for Ultraman Canada found my toe dip back into fitness as inspiring. It makes me feel proud of my accomplishment so far, and gives me the mental, and hopefully my 42 year old body has the physical strength to take me to the end of the competition and beyond.

Let me leave you with this... what inspires you?

1 comment:

  1. You make me so proud just by being a beautiful woman inside and out, intelligent and hard working and have always had a heart of gold. The fact that you are taking time for you makes me happy as I know what it has done for me in my life. I love you Leah girl and I promise you that your schedule is much more packed than mine so thank YOU for taking the time to write this wonderful blog entry and yet again inspiring me and making me smile big! Off to the pool :) Keep rockin' girl!
